The Jesuit Curia in Rome


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ICAJE serves as an advisory council to this Secretariat for Education, in order to assist Fr. General with a specific quality service in the field of education. ICAJE played an important role in outlining The Characteristics of Jesuit Education, Ignatian Pedagogy: A Practical Approach; and, Jesuit Schools: A Living Tradition in the 21st Century. These documents have been very central in implementing Jesuit Education in the world today and form together the contemporary framework of Jesuit Education worldwide.

The Commission was established originally in 1980 in order to continue the work of the Rome meeting on Secondary Education held that year. In addition to meeting every year, the group serves the following purposes:

1. To help the Secretariat coordinate the regions.
2. To communicate to the Jesuit Conference, Provincials, and especially to
    Province Delegates for Secondary Education, the results of ICAJE meetings,
    and to suggest ways in which the recommendations can be implemented.
3. To be in communication with one another and with the Secretariat for Education
    in the Curia, so that greater information and a sense of unity and networking
    can be accomplished.
4. To communicate to the Secretariat the concerns, challenges and accomplishments
    of the Jesuit schools in the world.
5. To contribute to the current challenge for Jesuit Schools to become a global network
    in our current context.
6. To contribute to the renewal of the Apostolate of Jesuit Education.

Present members:

· Chair: Fr. José Mesa, SJ - Worldwide Secretary for Education, Society of Jesus (Secondary and Pre-Secondary Education)

· Fr. Johnny Go, SJ - Secretary for Basic Education of the Jesuit Asia-Pacific Conference (JCAP-Education) and Assistant for Mission and Identity, Secretariat for Secondary and Pre-Secondary Education

· Fr. Joe Arimoso, SJ - Coordinator - Association of Jesuit Basic and Secondary Education in Africa and Madagascar (JASBEAM)

· Fr. William Muller, SJ - Executive Director of Jesuit Schools Network (JSN) - US and Canada

· Ms. Ilse Dekker - Director of the Jesuit European Committee for Primary and Secondary Education (JECSE)

· Fr. Sunny Jacobs, SJ - Secretary of the Jesuit Educational Association of South Asia (JEASA)

· Fr. Saúl Cuautle, SJ - President of the Latin American Federation of Jesuit Schools (FLACSI)

Members of the Secretariat:

· Mr. Felipe Carrillo - Assistant for Special Projects, Secretariat for Secondary and Pre-Secondary Education

· Ms. Catharine Steffens - Assistant for Global Initiatives, Secretariat for Secondary and Pre-Secondary Education

· Mr. Éamonn McGuinness - Community Director, Educate Magis